Thursday, February 9, 2012

Chapter 3: Growing Up

Where do I begin? At the beginning, I guess. 

I was born September 12th, 1988 at St. Mark's Hospital in Salt Lake City, Utah.  My twin brother, Reed, and I were given up for adoption by our birth mother.  I like to think that she loved us so much, that she wanted us to have the kind of life she couldn't have provided for us. I never had much of a desire to find my birth mother. 

We were placed with a family from Roosevelt, Utah.  Gregory and Mary Jane Page, who were never able to have children of their own, became our parents.  Greg is a general dentist/orthodontist, Mary is a stay at home mom. They already have two other adopted children, two girls, who are also twins. They are Emily and Anna, two years old.  I think I had the best childhood anyone could have asked for. My parents were happily married, educating us in the knowledge of the world, and a knowledge of faith.  We went camping, fishing, on vacations cross country.  We visited Arches and Yellowstone, went skiing and snowboarding often. 

We were not indulged, and we were taught to appreciate what we had.  Hard work was an important lesson in our family.  We saw the way dad worked endless hours, holidays and weekends, to provide for us.  Mom went back to school when we were a bit older, and got her degree in teaching education.  

Roosevelt is a small town in a predominantly rural community, mixed in with the largest oilfield in Utah. It was a great place to grow up. 

I lived in a Mormon community. Everyone in my neighborhood was Mormon.  All of my school teachers, all of the cops, city officials, everyone. 

My best friends were Jill and Trevor.  We were all the same age, same grade.  Trevor's mom taught me to play the piano for years. That might be a whole other chapter by itself. 

In 2002, my dad built a house 7 miles north of town, in an even smaller rural community called Neola.  We had some land up there, some horses, etc. I dug about a thousand post holes. 

I'm not really sure where to go with this one.  Let's move on to something else. 

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